We invite you to join/renew your membership for 2024 & 2025. As a scholarly research society, we focus on building a global academic community with an international and comparative focus on civil society, philanthropy, and the non-profit sector. Your membership in the Helpful Foundation is the best way to be part of this community: to keep in touch, stay informed, identify and meet those with similar interests, ensure your personal and intellectual growth, increase your knowledge and have your work disseminated to a worldwide audience. This year, we are offering a new membership category for retirees. We are also offering each membership category an option to auto-renew your membership.
Membership Benefit
HELPFUL FOUNDATION has power under Article 32 (1) (2), 19 (c ), 25 (a), 51 (B), (F), (J) in “The Constitution Of India 1949”.
Together for sustainable development and transformative change: Lead the change with Helpful Foundation at the forefront of prevention and global health promotion, National Security, and Economic Security.
Joining the Helpful Foundation means that your organization leads the change. With Helpful Foundation, your organization is at the forefront of prevention and global health promotion and offers a comprehensive approach to fostering sustainable development. Together, we work heart-driven and make transformative change happen.
You have an effective advocacy representation:
As your global umbrella, we put alcohol and other drug-related issues high on the political agenda and ensure they are mainstreamed into all relevant policy areas.
Together, we get things rolling:
Why work alone for a better world? Our thematic working groups facilitate interactive exchange and conversation about “hot” topics relating to National Security, Economic Security, Corruption, alcohol, and other drugs.
Together with one voice:
“Helpful Foundation” articulates and represents your interests publicly and in political processes. We advocate effectively, based on the latest science, and communicate strategically and innovatively.
Learning from one another, growing with each other:
“Helpful Foundation” offers a vast resource of know-how and expertise that all members can benefit from.
Knowing the state of the art of crucial political issues:
We work tirelessly to stay ahead of the curve. You will be informed and invited to discuss the latest developments in National Security and other Foreign Policy issues.
The “Helpful Foundation” membership benefits are plenty and can be summarized like this:
Advocacy Expertise And Services Advocacy
“Helpful Foundation” Member Organizations benefit from exclusive access to state-of-the-art services and expertise for impactful advocacy and campaigning.
“Helpful Foundation” Member Organizations enjoy several benefits with regard to the high-level expertise in several areas that make available for our members:
Movement, Community, Exchange
Helpful Foundation Member Organizations enjoy several benefits with regard to exclusive access to the vast platform of exchange and inspiration, best practices, innovative approaches and high-level know-how from within our global movement and community.
And More Benefit
Visit – Rashtrapati Bhavan and the Parliament of India.
Advice: Legal consultancy and help in Legal matters.
Training – get a discount fee on our unique training course.
Events – Receive discounted tickets and invitations to member-only events.
Careers – Recruit the best talent and develop communication and skill training.
Community – Share knowledge and best practice with peers.
Networking – Talk to the right people when you need to.
Expertise – Access the best tools and resources.
Influence – Lobby and advocate nationally and internationally.
News – Find out what’s happening and keep up with the latest.
Unique ID Card
Appointment Letter
Joining Information sent to Local Police station, SP and CP Office
Online Verification
24X7 Legal Help
NOTE:- First, you have to submit the membership form. After that, our representative will call you and verify your details, and once your profile is approved, you will have to pay the Advocate membership Fee of Rs 4,500/-. Membership Fee: Rs. 4,500 at the time of entry and Rs. 2000/- every year for membership renewal.
2. When your profile is verified, pay the membership fee.
As an independent global civil society organization, Helpful Foundation relies on membership fees for funding. Our membership fees are based on the country’s income where the respective Member Organisation is active.
In Helpful Foundation, we work in communities and countries around the world. Therefore, we know that civil society organizations often have limited or ring-fenced funding.
As a global social movement promoting solidarity, we are keen to assure everyone who wishes to join the Helpful Foundation that financial resources are no obstacle. Therefore, if you are interested in your organisation becoming a member of Movendi International but would find the membership fee challenging to meet, please feel free to indicate this in your application. We will review constructive and equitable solutions on a case-by-case basis.
Ten reasons why you should join an NGO
Working for an NGO can be a challenging activity. However, it is also the most satisfying job in terms of goals. This lists ten reasons why you should join an NGO during university time. You can work in an NGO either part-time or full-time. This choice depends upon the number of hours you want to work.
1. Societal contribution
If you actively work/volunteer, it will help you to make a positive contribution to the growth and development of society. You can work for the cause you are most passionate about.
2. Increase employable skills
When you work for an NGO, you work for an organisation that requires skills like accounting, finance, research, raising and re-distribution of funds, punctuality, teamwork, cooperation, and leadership qualities. You will gain experience whilst working for an NGO.
3. CV
The skills that you gained can form a significant part of your CV. You can impress your employer with your polished skills. This experience will also make your application stand out amongst your peers.
4. Professional development
Joining an NGO is like an investment in your future. You will develop professional skills to meet the demands of the role and of the organisation.
5. Bigger strategy
You get a chance to design and plan on both- a larger scale and for a longer period of time. Your goals may take either years or decades to accomplish. European Public Health Alliance promotes and protects the health of all people living in Europe and encourages greater participation of citizens in making health-related policies at the European level.
6. Better networking
You get a chance to build your network with influential people and bigger companies. It allows you to know people with the same goals as you. It can also increase your job prospects within the NGO or with the institutions that NGOs work with. Human Rights Watch helps to bring talented people from disadvantaged economic backgrounds into human rights. It also offers fellowships to recent graduates (master’s level or above) in the fields of law, journalism, and international relations.
7. Broader horizon
Working in an NGO will broaden your perspective. It will have an impact on the way you pursue your objectives and make decisions. Working in an NGO can make a positive impact on your life. It also offers opportunities to work overseas and volunteer overseas.
8. Leadership skills
As a part of a team, you will gain leadership skills and get a chance to employ them, too. Everything depends on how well you learn to motivate people and how you cope with pressure.
9. Cultural understanding
You will learn and experience working with people from different cultures. It will also increase your ability to adapt to different cultural demands and behavioural expectations. This will also impact your ability to handle sensitive situations.
10. Making life better
Your work will be making a significant contribution towards a better tomorrow. It will bring a sense of job satisfaction and self-motivation to do more.
The general legal responsibilities to the Helpful Foundation as a member.
- To address the private sector’s role in public sector governance and anti-corruption efforts and support national efforts to reduce corruption.
- To address the private sector’s role in public sector governance and anti-corruption efforts and support national efforts to reduce corruption.
- To adopt and implement international anti-corruption instruments as well as the implementation of regional agreements.
- Develop a speedy communication system using modern communication techniques to encourage quicker actions to protect human rights, redress wrongs, and prevent violations in the future.
- To train young men and women to face the challenges of the pluralistic society and the rising conflicts and tensions in the name of particularistic loyalties to caste, religion, region, and culture.
- To study the effects of draconian laws and unlawful use of the State’s machinery and force by the enforcement agencies.
- To prepare case studies on the rising custodial deaths, killings in encounters, and related issues for ensuring that human rights education must address the need for evolving new structures of knowledge and accountability to impart new skills and sensitivities amongst holders of State power to make them more responsive to the culture of human rights and values of democracy.
- To necessitate human rights education to evolve strategies and schemes for talking such attitudes like employing bonded labour, practising untouchability, perpetrating sati, and helping members internalize a more humane and egalitarian approach in their social relations.
- To promote human rights education as a catalyst in bringing out attitudinal and social change in the management of fireworks, glass, stone crushing, and related industries to reduce the prevalence of child labour in these and other hazardous industries to zero.
- To create an environment and an understanding that human rights can easily become vulnerable to abuse of various power structures and processes.
- To ensure comprehensiveness and incorporation of national, regional, and international perspectives related to human rights.
- To study the philosophical and cultural basis and historical perspectives on human rights.
- To examine the inter-dependence of and linkages between human rights and democracy, pluralism, development, ecological balance, peace, and harmony at the national and international levels.
- To examine the inter-dependence of and linkages between human rights and democracy, pluralism, development, ecological balance, peace, and harmony at the national and international levels.
- To study the texts, treaties, arrangements, and structures innovated by the international community in the post-world War period to protect human rights, the effect of the Cold War on the status and functioning of various institutions and structures organized for the promotion and protection of human rights.
- Strengthen law enforcement — including federal, state, and local drug task forces — to combat drug-related violence, disrupt criminal organizations, and arrest and prosecute the leaders of illegal drug syndicates.
- Improve the ability of High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) to counter drug trafficking.
- Help law enforcement disrupt money laundering and seize and forfeit criminal assets.
- Break the cycle of drug abuse and crime.
- To develop a more distinctive and effective role for the International Court of Justice in the field of human rights.
- To work jointly and severally to make India a corrupt-free country. Society will work as a Non-political organization in different fields. In the present Scenario, the society will motivate the common people in various fields like state unity, state population, Law and Justice, Environment, Pollution, art and music, literature, human rights, health, family welfare, etc.
- Conduct research, workshops, seminars, and other knowledge collection activities on crime, corruption, child, dory, and governance issues and disseminate their results among academia and organizations.
- To establish a crime control cell at every block where people discuss their problems, we can help them coordinate with local police.
- Protect and promote human rights by monitoring, investigation, intelligence advocacy, and taking solidarity actions.
- To study and prepare reports on violations of human rights by the state and its agencies, the police, and the criminal justice system that are inconsistent with human rights norms.
- To suggest action for violation of rights by armed political groups and terrorists.
- Promote appropriate legal and administrative reforms, particularly judicial and police reforms.
- Develop close links with the victims of human rights violations to promote solidarity with victims, to preserve the memory of the victims, and to organize significant commemorations linking large sections of people for the purpose of eliminating human rights violations.
- Encourage ratification of Indian instruments and development of local legislation, law enforcement, and judicial practices in keeping with such instruments, and assist the formation and functioning of national human rights commission.
- To cooperate to avoid compromising on human rights for economic or political expediency.
- To advise the Government for making administrative reforms to make corruption-free India.
- To help the administration and concerned authorities to hold corrupt government employees under the Prevention of corruption Act and other relevant laws and rules.
- To check corruption in general public places done by the public servants.
- To actively engage with the Government of India and other countries to promote human rights education.
- To promote cybercrime control among the people.
- To help cybercrime victims and support the police or in any other manner.
- To control Money laundry Fund & virtual currency, which are not authorized BY RBI, With the support of the Government department.
- To Control the private sector & company, doing illegal activities work unlawfully.
- National security advisor and prepare the research on National security.
Any Queries/suggestions regarding Advocate membership payment can be sent to membership@helpful.foundation