Our achievements towards to save world peace and Human Security and Rights.
The shadowy businesses include illegally exporting medication, bogus cheque deposits, swindling customers by offering non-existent loans and extorting money from bank loan defaulters. The scammers are robbing foreign nationals of their hard-earned money and bringing shame to our country too.
We saved Australian, Canadian, US and UK citizens from Fake International Call Centre.
International Fake Call Centers have been running in India since around 2004, and they were cheating foreigners by misleading them.
In 2017, this matter came to the notice of the Helpful Foundation after an initiative was taken by the Foundation for appropriate action, and International Cooperation Committee was constituted by Mr Ishtdev Sharma, Chairman of the Helpful Foundation.
The initiative by our international collaboration committee.
In October and November 2017, this matter was sent in writing to the President of America, the Australian Government, the Canada Government, the UK Government and their principal investigative agency, and this report was sent to the Prime Minister of India, Ministry of Home Affairs and DGP of State Police.
The first raid was conducted in Gurgaon in January 2018 under the chairmanship of Haryana DGP Shri BS Sandhu, as a result of which 500 to 600 people were detained in one day.
From 2018 till now, around 7000 to 8000 accused have been detained by Indian Government State Police, and appropriate action is being taken.
COVID – 19 (Coronavirus terror attack truth.)
COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is a disease caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2.
It can be very contagious and spreads quickly.
In China, from 3 January 2020 to 12:37 am CEST, 26 April 2023, there have been 99,244,445 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with 120,923 deaths reported to WHO.
The initiative by our international collaboration committee.
In our research and analysis report, we found that the coronavirus (COVID-19) as a new weapon for establishing and maintaining a political and economic upper hand in the global arena, by some distortion domineering powers, has caused worries among the public in nations, and further distortion in the security of the world.
Now, it is clear to the world people that the mutated and intelligent coronavirus 2019 was produced in laboratories, and more clearly put, by the warfare stock houses of biological war belonging to world hegemonic powers, and is much more anti-human, destructive and horrible than the other anti-human weapons such as the nuclear and chemical ones, as well as Harp.
These non-state (and many rogue-state) groups have access to bioweapon technology; they could, relatively quickly and cheaply obtain MERS or SARS or other virulent strains and figure out human subject-based experiments/refine/distribute systems to launch an attack.
On 29 March 2019, an appeal was made by the Helpful Foundation to the Government of India by e-mail to save humanity from this biological weapon.
The Government of India by taking appropriate action at the right time has helped in saving the humanity of Indian citizens as well as abroad.
Indian students stranded in Ukraine returned to their homeland.
By air, land, and sea, Russia launched a devastating attack on Ukraine, a European democracy of 44 million people. Its forces were bombing city centres and closing in on the capital, Kyiv, prompting a mass exodus of refugees.
The initiative by our international collaboration committee and Conclusion:
With the initiative of the Helpful Foundation, the Government of Romania opened the border for Indian students stranded in Ukraine and got them to enter their country, giving priority to Indians. Giving more details in this regard Mr. Ishtdev Sharma, Chairman, Helpful Foundation said that by visiting our website, www.helpfulfoundation.com our ‘Ukraine Help Mission Ghar Wapsi’ – where Indians stranded in Ukraine had registered themselves. By attaching the names and copies of documents of those Indians by the Foundation, making this subject an international human rights matter, it was shared with the Government of Romania, the Government of Ukraine and the Government of India. Helpful Foundation took the initiative to give priority to Indian students to enter their borders.
Muntian Valentin-Ciprian, Director General, Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania Following the request of Helpful Foundation, We are glad to inform you that your request has been processed by the Embassy of India in Bucharest, and the Romanian Border Police has been sent. The Romanian Border Police will act quickly and effectively so that Indian nationals do not spend too much time there.
As a result of which, priority was given in border clearance for all Indians from 28 February 2022. Mr Ishtdev Sharma, Chairman of Helpful Foundation, thanked the Governments of Romania and India. Chairman Mr Ishtdev Sharma gave full credit for this mission to Mrs Varsha Sharma, Deputy Chairman of Helpful Foundation and her team. The matter was put up before Romania, India and Ukraine at the highest level by forming a team under the chairmanship of Vice-Chairman Mrs Varsha Sharma.