The complaints related to domestic violence, harassment, dowry, torture, desertion, bigamy, rape, refusal to register FIR, cruelty by husband, deprivation, gender discrimination, and sexual harassment at the workplace.
- Rape / Attempt to rape
- Acid Attack
- Sexual Assault
- Sexual harassment
- Stalking / Voyeurism
- Trafficking/prostitution of women
- Outraging modesty of women / Molestation
- Cybercrimes against women
- Police Apathy against women
- Harassment of married women / Dowry Harassment
- Dowry Death
- Bigamy / Polygamy
- Protection of Women against Domestic Violence
- Women’s right to custody of children / Divorce
- Right to exercise choice in marriage / Honour Crimes
- Right to live with dignity
- Sexual Harassment of women at the workplace
- Denial of maternity benefits to women
- Gender discrimination including the equal right to education and work
- Indecent representation of women
- Sex-Selective Abortions; Female Foeticide / Amniocentesis
- Traditional practices derogatory to women rights like Sati Pratha, Devdasi Pratha, and Witch-Hunting
- Free legal aid for women