Peace and security are very important for an individual, a society, a nation and the world. It is a condition where individuals, institutions, regions, nations and the world move ahead without any threat.
When there is some violent activity in a city or in any other area within a State, we are told that there is a threat to peace and security. If there is some upheaval within a country, it is said to be a threat to national peace and security. If the police force or the army is especially deployed in certain areas, it is done to maintain peace and security. If there is a war between nations or some terrorist activities in a nation, it is a threat to international peace and security. We are also told that international organizations like United Nations are there to contribute to the maintenance of peace and security. These two words, peace and security, are also used separately.
Peace and Security
While accepting the varied perceptions of both the words, it is evident that peace and security are inseparable. Combined together, it is a condition where individuals, institutions, regions, nations and the world move ahead without any threat. In this condition regions or nations are generally more stable domestically, likely to be
democratically governed and respectful to human rights. Conflict not only generates threat and fear, but also hampers economic, social, or political advancement.
Peace and Security in the Constitution
The process of constitution framing was greatly influenced by the ideas that evolved during freedom movement. The Constitution, therefore, mentions peace and security in the chapter on Directive Principles of State Policy. The federal system and the establishment of rural and urban local governments ensure that the power is not centralized, because centralization generates regional and local dissatisfaction that may be a threat to internal security. In a federal system, the decisions in respect of socio-economic development are taken by the State governments that are best placed to respond to all the hopes and aspirations of the people of that State. The local governments also ensure the mass participation in the decision-making for development and take care of the needs and requirements of all.
Article 51 of the Constitution states: “The state shall endeavour to: (a) promote international peace and security; (b) maintain just and honourable relations between nations; (c) foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one another; and (d) encourage settlement of international disputes by arbitration.”
India, therefore, adopted a multi-pronged approach and methods to ensure peace and security. At the international level, it adopted a policy aimed at promotion of international peace and security. It extends support to all efforts being made at the global or regional level for peace, equitable economic development, promotion of human rights and elimination of terrorism. At the national level, it is committed to ensure, liberty, equality and social justice, secularism, equitable economic development and removal of social inequalities. It also provides equal opportunities to all its citizens to participate not only in elections but also in the decision-making processes at various levels. All this is done to ensure that no section of the society feels that it is being discriminated or its interests are being ignored. Because it is these feeling of discrimination that gives birth to discontent and leads to protests and political violence which turn in to major threats to peace and security.